
Video shows man being brutally murdered with an ax

Since last Wednesday, the 03rd, a video began circulating in WhatsApp groups of a man being murdered with an ax, in broad daylight, in the state of Ceará. With the repercussion of the images, especially among LGBT groups, members of the community began to suspect that it was another crime of homophobia or transphobia. The Ceará Police reported that the crime had occurred on December 30th and that the motivation was a fight between criminal factions in Fortaleza. Therefore, they did not confirm the suspicion that it is homophobia. In the images, it is possible to see a bloodied man being beaten to death by a group of young people, some appearing to be underage. The strong scene refers to the murder of the transvestite Dandara dos Santos, who in 2017 was beaten to death by a group of men, also in Ceará, and the video of her murder was broadcast on social media. CEARÁ As soon as the video began to circulate on social media, and the location of the crime was identified, internet users hypothesized sexual intolerance due to the northeastern state's recurrence of homophobic crimes. In 2017, Ceará was one of the Brazilian states that stood out for the homicide of LGBT people. In March of that year, the country was shocked by the murder of transvestite Dandara dos Santos, beaten to death by several young men. Although it was the most evident, other transphobic crimes were reported throughout 2017 in Ceará. ***Due to the content of the video, A Capa, out of respect for the victim's family, will not publish any images of the incident.

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