
You ask, the psychologist answers!

Psychologist Regina Cláudia Izabela launches a question and answer column next week. The idea is that readers can send their questions and concerns to be answered by her.

Every week, a question will be answered on the website and the professional will discuss the topic. Anything goes: sexuality, family, religion, prejudice, work, relationships… Whenever a doubt torments you, the psychologist answers!

Readers who want to communicate with Regina Claudia can email her directly, this way privacy is maintained:

To let you know a little more about our new columnist, she prepared a special introductory text. Check out!

My name is Regina Claudia Izabela and I am a clinical psychologist, specialized in Brief Psychotherapy with a psychoanalytic orientation from Mackenzie University.

I have been treating teenagers, adults and couples in my office since my training in 1998. During this period I dedicated myself to the study of the human psyche in all its aspects. However, I emphasized my search for sexuality, particularly due to my own sexual orientation and, later, the demand for care in my office. Many of my clients ended up looking for me because they felt more “comfortable” talking about their intimacy with someone who would not have preconceptions about sexuality.

It is assumed that psychologists in general should not have prejudices, however, unfortunately, we still see “professionals” who make this serious error, often causing embarrassment to their clients. In my work I seek freedom of expression and the exchange of feelings, values ​​and ideas. In this way, my clients and I come to a broader understanding of their own individualities.

The psychoanalytic theme does not mean that, as many think, I focus care only on problems related to sexuality, on the contrary, it is from there that I seek a better understanding of many issues.

As a psychologist I worked and work in NGOs focused on inclusive education for mentally disabled people and people at social risk. I wrote articles for the website “Sobre Elas”, expressing my opinion regarding the situation and active participation of homosexual women in society.

I currently work at the NGO Cidade Escola Aprendiz as a social educator and carry out a study on sexuality at the University of S. Paulo, in the Department of Human Biology.

Regina Claudia Izabela
Psychologist and psychotherapist (CRP: 57057-8)

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