
William goes to a party with weird people…. are heterosexual

Guys, look. Our cute intern, Will, wrote an incredible chronicle that was published on the respected website We really loved it, so much so that we are going to reproduce the chronicle here. Read! Strange party with strange people, by William Magalhães I don't really know what I'm doing here. Okay, yes, I know. It's a birthday. From the neighbor's daughter, from my cousin's great-niece. And as a good person that I am, I was invited to this xumbrega party. It's the 18th birthday of my neighbor's daughter, my cousin's great-niece. I came to follow this last one. Who asked me so loudly. But I'm regretting it. I'm not part of this. I don't like this music or the people who frequent this club. I don't like these men, I mean... I like these men, I don't like these women. Or these men kissing these women. Where I come from, this type of event is rare. It's eye to eye, it's rock'n'roll. My business is man with man and woman with woman. Of course I respect these people who have this strange sexual attraction to the opposite sex. But I can't deny that I find it disgusting. Doing what, respecting diversity, isn’t the new metallic gray of the season? This girl next to me, for example, how slow, for love, if it were me in this guy's arms, he wouldn't have his hand there, he would have his hand lower, that's it. And, by the way, what is this bofe scandal doing to this amapô? What a waste, mai godi, what a waste! This is why I oppose the legalization of marriage between heterosexuals. Imagine the values ​​that these people's children would not have! Imagine the horror! Little me, with a heterosexual son? Negative, I throw him down the bank. My son does ballet, wears pink and plays with dolls. My daughter does judo, wears blue and plays football. I'm glad that even Pope Benedict 16 agrees with me on this one. The church cannot negotiate the right to hetero marriage. Look, it was just coming to this alternative party here. These women don't stop coming at me. The next woman who touches me, I'm going to beat the shit out of her. I'm homosexual and I came here with my friend because they told me that it's easier to pick up men here at this party.

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