


演员 史密斯大法官, 24, se assumiu como “queer” no último fim de semana ao tornar público seu namoro com o também ator Nicholas L. Ashe.

Conhecido por protagonizar 通过惊人的地方 (2020)和 大侦探皮卡丘 (2019), Smith compareceu a um dos protestos contra o racismo, liderados pelo movimento Black Lives Matter (Vidas Negras Importam), em Nova Orleans, Luisiana, nos Estados Unidos.

O ator fez um longo (e belo) post no Instagram com registros da manifestação, em que diz ter gritado “vidas negras e trans importam”, “vidas negras e queer importam” e “todas as vidas negras importam” – fazendo assim um importante lembrete de que negros também podem ser LGBT e vice-versa.

“Sendo eu mesmo um homem negro e queer, fiquei desapontado com certas pessoas ávidas a dizerem ‘vidas negras importam’, mas seguram a língua quando ‘trans’ e ‘queer’ foram adicionadas [à frase]”, escreveu Smith.

“Quero reiterar esse sentimento: se a sua revolução não inclui vozes queer negras, é racista.”


@nckash and I protested today in New Orleans. We chanted ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ ‘Black Queer Lives Matter’ ‘All Black Lives Matter’. As a black queer man myself, I was disappointed to see certain people eager to say Black Lives Matter, but hold their tongue when Trans/Queer was added. I want to reiterate this sentiment: if your revolution does not include Black Queer voices, it is anti-black. If your revolution is okay with letting black trans people like #TonyMcDade slip through the cracks in order to solely liberate black cishet men, it is anti-black. You are trying to push yourself through the door of a system designed against you, and then shut the door behind you. It is in our conditioning to get as close to whiteness, straightness, maleness as we can because that’s where the power is. And if we appeal to it, maybe it’ll give us a slice. But the revolution is not about appeal. It is about demanding what should have been given to us from the beginning. What should have been given to black, queer, and trans individuals from the beginning. Which is the right to exist. To live and prosper in public. Without fear of persecution or threat of violence. There is so much tragedy on the timeline these last couple of days so I added some photos of me and Nic to show some #blackboyjoy #blacklove #blackqueerlove ❤️????? You’ve been my rock and guiding light through all of this and I love you so much. I know that on the other side of this Is change, though the fight is far from over. #justicefortonymcdade #justiceforninapop #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaud #justiceforbreonna #sayhername #defundthepolice #endwhitesupremacy

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