
Back to gay life!

Hello friend and friend, in case anyone is offended.

I chose this date to write again because nowadays I know the importance of gay month (lots of parties, free drinks, sex and other repressed desires). For those who are more layman, or if you prefer, uninformed, I am no longer part of the group of journalism interns. Now, I belong to the select group of queer socialites (car, travel and VIP bracelets). It's very likely that you've seen me around with sky-high heels, lots of makeup and sequins, but contrary to what you might have imagined, I'm not Serginho from BBB (do you know how many times I hear that a day?)
When they told me I could write here again, I made a point of making a formal presentation. Girls, English and Spanish are part of my CV and I'm only 22 years old (I always reduce my years of life, but who knows the truth? Four more months, and, thanks to the very advanced process of laser hair removal, I don't I'm going to have no more beard).
I would also like to express my deep rejection of the lack of security in this country. A queer like me can't die such an ugly death, can you imagine lying in the street after taking 2 lamps to the forehead?

Ah… I gave up trying to kill myself. After living in New York for a year, stories that will be portrayed here, I decided that when I turn 30 I will jump from the tallest building I can find, the Empire State Building is on the list, does anyone have any other suggestions?
FLASHBACK: Last week I was at the Barão de Itararé bar with my friend Marília Gabriela and I came across a man sitting alone inside the bar. He must have been about 35 years old and looked completely lonely and sad. I have come to the conclusion that I will not be able to overcome this age nor the insane search for defenseless little boys (see post Second ALMOST Sex).

FACT: Most gays are afraid of reaching the age of 40 single. Some have even told me that they will have sex change surgery before then.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my favorite bricklayer*. 
Kiss call me,
Last Romantic.

*Bricklayer in English (now you know my weak point)

After all, is homophobia over? How far can my eyes reach?

LGBT community in Europe adopts song by singer Robyn as gay anthem