
Gays in NY will have the same rights as straights

New York Governor David Paterson has ordered that necessary changes be made to state law so that same-sex marriages performed elsewhere are recognized in the state.

Although homosexuals cannot marry in New York, civil unions made elsewhere in the world will have their rights recognized in the state, including those derived from insurance contracts and medical coverage.

“This is a milestone in the fight for justice in New York,” said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union. “Couples in New York who have never known true security for their families will officially be entitled to treatment by our state government that respects their rights.”

Currently, Massachusetts is the only state where couples have legal recognition of their unions, but the local residency requirement may prevent New Yorkers from getting married there.

Starting June 17, however, unless the Supreme Court reverses its decision, they will be able to get married in California or cross the border to get married in Canada, and when they return to New York, their weddings will be no different. of their heterosexual neighbors.

* With information from the EFE agency and 365 Gay

Gay kiss: Ana Maria Braga, ABGLT, Aguinaldo Silva and Coluna Zapping debate
