
The love that dares to say its name

The LUAS Group – Liberdade Sexual Affective Union of Lesbian and Bisexual Women, the Human Rights and Citizenship Center of UFPE – NUCH, the Gay Leões do Norte Movement and the Toda Forma de Amor website launch the campaign “The Love that Dares to Say the Name” to celebrate June 12th, Valentine's Day. The initiative wants to “demonstrate and socialize to society that there are different ways of loving, demystifying the heteronormative model imposed by society”.

According to Ana Carla Lemos, president of LUAS, the advertising campaigns launched at this time “expose and reverberate a 'perfect' and 'classic' stereotype of a dating couple which, in general, is marked by the white, heterosexual, young stereotype, and, therefore, , excludes other forms of expression of affection, such as love between women and men”.

“In addition to not having commercial appeal as its aim, it is a campaign that will lead people to reflect on the rights and respect for the free expression of sexual orientation, as well as the need to understand that every form of love is worth it”, explains Ana Carla. “We believe that this campaign is an important step in deconstructing some prejudices and stereotypes in our society.”

The campaign will take to the streets of Recife (PE) through postcards that feature photos of gay and lesbian couples on one side and, on the back, a poem written by Ana Carla Lemos that inspired the campaign's title.

Read the poem below:

“The Love That Dares to Say Its Name

The love that dares to say its name
That opens the windows and doors
And shout to the world for the right
Equality between people.

The love that dares to say its name
Who doesn't fight, but demands rights,
Recognition and freedom

The love that dares to say its name
Which is simply love.”

:: Click on the album to see the enlarged photo!


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